Eidagale ( Ciidagake) don't need kulmiye failed system. Ali Behi

Wednesday June 26, 2024 - 09:23:11 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    Eidagale ( Ciidagake) don't need kulmiye failed system. Ali Behi

    I give credit to president Muse bihi because he united Somaliand

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I give credit to president Muse bihi because he united Somaliand

While there thousands of somaliland professionals from every region of Somaliand and from every somaliland clan through out the country,unfortunately, Somaliland president Muse Bihi abdi has selected personalities with least reputable in somaliland. The question is, what work performance we can expect those pictures in here. According to law of logic, zero productively as those pictured in above are samples of bad reputation, samples of visible ignorance and samples of speaking rotten language in somaliland media. I feel shy and shame when I observe those guys speaking in somaliland local media .

The past difference between my and Mohamed Abiib was settled months ago. But lately, I discovered Mohamed Abiib is super hero who characterised telling truth which many somaliland MPS afraid to tell what happening somaliland nowadays which navigating somaliland from bad to worse. We need MPS like Mohamed Abiib who defends the rights of the vulnerables that president Muse dictatorship system threatening their livelihood .

I give credit to president Muse bihi because he united Somaliand population across the country against him.His dictatorship policies have united Somaliand population locally as well as somaliland overseas community. His destructive policies united the entire somaliland population. All of us gave credit to him because president Muse failed policies have united us against him .

Chairman Hersi Hajji Ali visit to Buroa has generated the entire Habar Jacelo grand clan to stage collectively behind wadani political party being the sole choice and the sole source that can navigate somaliland into peace, stability, progress, prosperity and political unity. This unprecedented party political achievements have influenced kulmiye failed system to explore excit strategy .

Eidagale don't need kulmiye failed system to pay a visit to Salaxlay but need from the system to apologize to Eidagale taken into account kulmiye the terror committed by kulmiye failed system against the lovely mayor abdikareem Ahmed Mooge and grand sultan of issaq sultan Daud.

The brutal culture of firing live bullots to innocent citizens has generated the killing of 6 somaliland citizens and the injury of hundreds in the past. This brutal culture is what influenced khaatumo to separate from somaliland.This brutal culture is typically dictatorship rule which is similar to former somali dictatorship terror rule.

Ali Behi

Hadhwanaagnews marnaba masuul kama aha Aragtida dadka kale. Qoraaga ayaa xumaanteeda, xushmadeeda iyo xilkeeda sida. waxa kaliya oo Hadhwanaagmedia dhiirigalinaysaa, isdhaafsiga aragtida, canaanta gacaliyo talo wadaagga!
